Ancestor Healing – Unraveling the Ancient Lattice (2 Hr Replay)


2 Hour Replay of this powerful event!!

Unraveling Ancestral Entanglement
Generating New Emanations of Majik within You

Human Ancestors & The Ones from the Other Realms
From Star Constellation Relations,
to Emerald Fae formations,
upon wings of Dragons,
and songs of Ancient Nations,
All through the vast Realms of the Tree of Life

Ever feel those depths of darkness?
Lost in realms so frightful and fearful,
Confused beyond out, looping between stories, not your own.

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Through portals of majik, we’ll journey across the cosmic Tree of Life to unravel the binds and burdens that have been passed onto you, transforming them and restoring them back to the original treasures they were meant to be.

Through the journey, we’ll

  • Remove deep-set binds throughout your biosuit.
  • Restore your majikal connections and abilities with precision.
  • Expand your relationship with your family across the Realms. This supports alleviations with previous human relations.
  • Engage new forces of alchemical elemental majik within you.
  • Unlock and stabilize more layers of your Avatar forces within you.
  • Discover the true treasures you’ve been waiting to inherit.

Many layers of fear, doubt, pain, sorrow, grief, limitation, etc., echo across time within you, flowing into your reality. Surely, you’ve experienced it in context and experience, but it is often overlayed with the echoes of generations passed onto you both physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically.

These energetic formulations are challenging, yet they hold gifts within them awaiting you. Ancient treasures that your ancestry currents have been navigating, likely for a long, long, long time.

I don’t just mean your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. I’m speaking of family going back many many many generations. I’m also speaking of ancestry across dimensions, realms, and species that are interconnected to you, wrapped within the great fabric that you are one thread of. Yet, you, likely more so than those others in your fabric, have the inner resources and desire to shift the tapestry, to change the script, and bring the WHOLE spectrum back into balance and majik.


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