Unleash your Majik

Joshua Tree Retreat
April 20-23
Join Aaron Pyne, the Elven Wizard!
Limit of 10 participants!
A journey unlike anything experienced before…

The Adventure
Take an epic journey into Majik with the Elven Wizard. Through the weekend, the Elven Wizard will take you on an epic journey into the depths of your majikal potential. You’ll walk away with the entire core of your being expanded, empowered, and ready for the full potential of your life.
Through the weekend you’ll experience:

Our Retreat Sanctuary
Please answer the questions below so we can get to know you better, ensure this retreat is for you, and best cater to your needs. All of your responses are confidential. Your responses will only be shared with Aaron and anyone else relevant in helping to manage the retreat.
Once the application is approved, you’ll be sent a link for payment to reserve your spot.
Group Upgrades
These upgrades are contributions to the entire group. You’ll receive special thanks and blessings for leveling up the experience for the entire group!
+ Individual Upgrades +
These upgrades are for you!
For Retreat Participants Only
Special discounted Healing Session over Zoom before the Retreat.
Aaron’s new book should be available, and you’ll be able to put it to use during the retreat as well as have the Wizard sign it for you!
With this upgrade, you’ll receive one of Aaron’s Visionary Art Oracle Decks. You’ll be able to get it signed by the Wizard at the retreat!
For Retreat Participants Only
Special discounted Healing Session over Zoom after the Retreat.
Retreat Terms, Conditions, Refunds, and Cancellation Policy:
By the ancient laws of majik, the Tree of Life, and the Consciousness of the Planet here be the policies. We request that you participate in only those activities that you are physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually able to do and that you notify us of any restrictions you have regarding any of the activities. We will do our best to accommodate them. Your safety and comfort are of the utmost importance to us.
Please read the following information carefully and let us know if you have any questions before registering.
- Refund Policy:
1.1. There are no refunds guaranteed. Once you make your payment, you have taken a spot on the trip and limited access to others. If you write in with your reason for needing a refund, your spot, at Aaron Pyne’s discretion and time availability, may put your spot back up for sale. If another person purchases your spot prior to the start date of the event, you’ll be eligible for a refund minus 5% fee for admin work for changes.
- Cancellation Policy:
2.1. The course organizers reserve the right to cancel or reschedule the retreat due to unforeseen circumstances, including insufficient enrollment or instructor unavailability.
2.2. In the event of course cancellation by the organizers, participants will be notified promptly, and a full refund of the retreat fee will be provided.
2.3. The organizers will not be held liable for any additional expenses incurred by participants, such as travel or accommodation costs, in the event of retreat cancellation.
- Retreat Participation:
3.1. Participants are encouraged to actively engage with the retreat content and experiences. However, no activities are required and participant’s are encouraged to make their own decisions and claim responsibility for their own experience. At any time during the retreat you need support, a change, or have a special need please speak up and ask Aaron to see what accommodations’ may be made if at all.
4. Responsibility
4.1. Participants who fail to engage with the course or meet the requirements will not be eligible for a refund.
5 Airfare
5.1 This retreat does not include national or international airfare or any other travel costs to arrive at the retreat house.. We strongly recommend you wait until the trip is confirmed to go before booking airfare or making any non-refundable travel arrangements.
6. Travel Insurance
6.1 Travel insurance is recommended for all travelers, and if purchased, should be taken out at the time of booking. Your travel insurance should provide cover against personal accident, death, medical expenses, and emergency repatriation with all recommended minimum coverage of $200,000 USD. I strongly recommend it cover cancellation, curtailment, and all other expenses that might arise as a result of loss, damage, injury, delay, pandemic or illness preventing your trip or inconvenience.
7 Right to Refuse Service
7.1 Aaron Pyne and the retreat organizers reserve the right to accept, decline, or retain any person as a participant at the Retreat at any time without liability and without any obligation to pay a refund or any other amount whatsoever. The Retreat Organizers take no responsibility or liability for any participant who leaves the Retreat prior to its conclusion or for any activity undertaken by any participant that is not included on the Schedule of Events or other itinerary.
Medical Disclaimer:
Please read this disclaimer carefully before participating in this retreat. By enrolling and engaging in the retreat, you acknowledge and agree to the following:
- Not a Replacement for Medical Advice: This retreat and information provided is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace or serve as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your healthcare provider or qualified professional regarding any medical conditions, concerns, or questions you may have.
- Individual Responsibility: Participation in this online course is voluntary, and you assume full responsibility for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is your responsibility to assess the suitability and safety of the meditation practices for your individual needs and limitations. Listen to your body, honor your boundaries, and modify or discontinue any practices that cause discomfort or distress.
- Health Conditions and Limitations: If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, physical limitations, injuries, or mental health concerns, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare provider or qualified professional before engaging in this online course and practices. The course facilitator is not responsible for any adverse effects or complications that may arise from the practices.
- Sensitivity and Emotional Responses: Meditation practices can sometimes evoke strong emotions or trigger sensitive experiences. It is essential to approach the practices with self-compassion and gentle awareness. If you have a history of trauma or any emotional sensitivity, consider working with a qualified mental health professional to support your journey.
- Non-Professional Relationship: The relationship between the course facilitator and participants is that of an educator and student. It is not a professional client-therapist or healthcare provider-patient relationship. The course facilitator does not provide medical or therapeutic advice and shall not be held liable for any actions, claims, or outcomes resulting from participation in the course.
- Personalized Guidance: The online meditation course provides general guidance and techniques suitable for a broad audience. It may not be tailored to address specific individual needs or conditions. It is recommended to seek personalized guidance from a qualified professional if you require a more customized approach.
By participating in the online meditation course, you acknowledge and agree to release the course facilitator from any liability, claims, or damages arising from your engagement in the practices. If you do not agree with this disclaimer or have any concerns about your ability to safely participate, it is advised not to proceed with the course.
Please consult with your healthcare provider or qualified professional if you have any questions or concerns regarding your health or well-being before engaging in the online meditation course.