Majik Mead Ceremonies
Nectar of the Gods
with the Elven Wizard
Ballads, Dragons, Spells, & Mead
An Epic Ceremonial Mead Gathering
Saturday 4/19/25
In-Person Gathering in Vista, CA
In-Person Gathering in Vista, CA
What is a Majik Mead Ceremony?
What is a Majik Mead Ceremony?
During this ceremonial gathering, Aaron will blend together ancient and modern mystical traditions to bring an activating experience to participants. Each participant is offered a variety of Meads to try. Aaron will invoke the sacred power of the mead as a symbolic representation as the majikal light of consciousness being taken in as a sacrament of sweetness and joy of life. It acts as a sacred key to awaken the dormant and ancient mysteries within us.
Through the evening Aaron will share the history of Mead, it’s ancient uses, mythic tales, poetry and music while every enjoys the deliciousness of the Mead.
During the second part, Aaron will guide the group on a powerful healing meditation journey combining the luminous qualities of the mead and his unique energy healing modalities to reconnect you with the joy, power, and passion of your spirit!
Afterward, dancing and movement are encouraged for embodiment and incorporation of the experience.

Aaron’s Quest for Mead
For almost two decades, Aaron has been on a quest to restore the proper use of this majikal elixir used since ancient times for ritual, ceremony, initiation, healing, and transformation. It is a gift from nature, lost during the last centuries of suppression. It’s time to remember!

What is a Magic Mead Ceremony?
During this ceremonial gathering, Aaron will blend together ancient and modern mystical traditions to bring an activating experience to participants. Each participant is offered some mead to bless and drink. Various blessings, invocations, & prayers are spoken into the circle to call forth wisdom, healing, and insights for all those gathered. We invoke the sacred power of the mead as a symbolic representation as liquid light of consciousness being taken in as a sacrament of sweetness and joy of life. It acts as a sacred key to awaken the dormant and ancient mysteries within us ~ the ancient parts of us that remember the sacred drink of Divine Light.
Participants are then invited to go into a meditative position (sitting or laying). They are guided on an inner Spirit Journey to work with the magic of the mead. The combination of the prayers, energetic field held by the ceremony guides, and the mead assist each individual to clear and reclaim more of their eternal light.
Afterward, dancing and movement are encouraged for embodiment and biological incorporation of the experience received during the ceremony.
The Quest for Mead
For almost two decades, Aaron has been on a quest to restore the proper use of this majikal elixir used since ancient times for ritual, ceremony, initiation, healing, and transformation. It is a gift from nature, lost during the last centuries of suppression. It’s time to remember!
Upcoming Sacred Mead Ceremonies
Purchase your Ticket(s) below.
Saturday – 04/19/25
6:30PM – 9:30PM | In-Person Gathering in Vista, CA
- Limited spots. RSVP ASAP
- $65 ($55 early bird!) or two for $120 ($100 early bird) – Early bird pricing ends 2/28/25
- Ages 21+ Only!
- More about Mead below. You can still join even if you don’t drink.
- Location: Private Residence in Vista, CA (Location will be sent to ticket holders)
- Limited 22 spots. RSVP ASAP – Event Will Likely Sell Out!
- $65 or two for $120
- Ages 21+ Only!
- The ticket includes ceremony, 3 pours of mead, healing, and light snacks.
- Bring Cash/Venmo for the Wizard will likely have books, mead and other things for sale!
Suggested to bring:
- Wear comfortable clothing for sitting and going on a meditation journey (option to lay down).
- Dress up in something majikal if you’d like!
- Pillow/mat/blanket.
- Bring a chalice/special cup for yourself.
- Offerings for the altar/ritual.
Add-On Private Session
You can also package it with a private session with Aaron for a total discount. Sessions will be separate from the ceremony, arranged individually. Depending on availability, the session will be done over Zoom or, if possible, in person.
Add-On – Extra Mead for the Group
You can also upgrade for an additional $40 to purchase an extra bottle of Mead for the group to share! Unless you’d rather not, you’ll be named and honored with an extra blessing during the ceremony.
More details on Aaron’s wizardly healing sessions are here.

Future Mead Events:
Get on Aaron’s email list to be notified!
Ancient Mead Texts
“I have tasted the sweet drink of life, knowing that it inspires good thoughts and joyous expansiveness to the extreme, that all the gods and mortals seek it together, calling it honey.When you penetrate inside, you will know no limits(…)We have drunk the Soma; we have become immortal; we have gone to the light; we have found the gods.(…)The glorious drops that I have drunk set me free in wide space.(…)Weaknesses and diseases have gone; the forces of darkness have fled in terror. Soma has climbed up in us, expanding. We have come to the place where they stretch out our life-spans.The drop that we have drunk has entered our hearts, an immortal inside mortals”
Rig Veda (8.48)
In Norse mythology, the Poetic Mead or Mead of Poetry (Old Norse skáldskapar mjaðar), also known as Mead of Suttungr (Suttungmjaðar), is a mythical beverage that whoever “drinks becomes a skald or scholar” (with the ability) to recite any information and solve any question.
“…. the offering of precious mead usually takes a central part in the Edda initiation stories. The mead itself appears to be a source of inspiration, magical power and knowledge/wisdom to the poet, the sage and the king. It is always served by a female entity after trials in the realm of death, leading to transformation and resurrection.”
What is Mead?
Mead is an ancient drink made from fermented honey. It has some similarities to wine, yet it is its own category of drink. Whereas most alcoholic drinks are made from one specific plant, mead is made from honey, which is the essence of flower nectars that have been alchemized by the bees. It carries a different frequency or energy in it, thus a slightly different experience when drinking. There are many variations, including mixing in other natural flavors and spices, that range from sweet to dry, light to rich.

What does Mead do?
Mead seems to have the following effects:
- Calming the mind and body.
- Begins to clear energetic dross or denser energies from the body.
- Begins to open the heart channels, opening more joy, happiness, and connection.
- Accentuates the pleasure centers in the center, acting as an aphrodisiac.
- Carries the medicinal and mystical properties of honey and bee magic.
- Stimulates inner visionary capacities, engaging multi-dimensional awareness.
- Re-Connecting us with the love and power of the Goddess & Gaia (Earth).
- Enhances the experience of other ceremonial sacraments.
- Opens Bee Magic.
There are records of mead going back at least 9000 years! It is found in ancient spiritual texts and mythologies including Asia, India, Egypt, Europe, Australian Aborigines, and even a form of it was drunk by the Mayans. While often drank for celebrations, holidays, etc. it was held sacred and spiritual purposes in many cultures. It was often associated with royalty, immortality, resurrection, supernatural intelligence, magical powers, aphrodisiac, spiritual visions, and much more. It also was often used as forms of medicine as it maintains all the benefits of honey and can be infused with other herbs and spices. There are many ancient rites of passage, initiations, and traditions where mead was given to an individual stepping into a position of power (such as Kingship). Bees and their honey are sacred in many cultures around the world as messengers from the Gods/Goddesses. They are carriers of Divine codes.
Not Your Normal Drink
Mead, the majikal elixir for the soul! For many, the drinking of alcohol brings stirs the ideas of a dissociated intoxication. Many use alcohol to inhibit limitations, suppress emotions, and disconnect from their current reality. Surprisingly with the amount of damage most alcohol does to the body and mind, it’s a popular part of modern culture.
Mead itself, particularly when properly encoded by an elven wizard…activates a different experience in the body, mind, and spirit. For it carries the essence, the spirits of, honey and flowers. It is the sweetness of nature carried via the sacred bees. Throughout folklore, it was used as a remedy for many things, as well as an elixir to connect with and channel the divine. It’s no wonder this sacred drink was woven into many ancient mythologies and legends as the drink of the gods. It restores them, and expands their majik, is nourishes the universe itself!
In our journey together, you’ll experience this sacred drink in a way that actually allows you MORE connection with yourself, with life, and with all aspects of YOU!
Previous Mead Ceremony Testimonials
“Aaron creates a unique, memorable and lasting experience for all that he works with! His passion, education, experience, time, energy, intention and attention to detail all lead to his exceptional guidance. I left his ceremony with the most inspiring visions of my future life, career and relationship.” – Lance Berger
“I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of Aaron’s mead ceremony. It gave me a deeper connection to this ancient elixir and I can’t think of a better way to enjoy it.” –Will Marsh
“I’ve experienced a rough history with alcohal personally and with my family. This created a whole new experience for me with the sacred and majik Aaron brings.” – M. S.
“Such a wonderful and peaceful experience <3” – Maria Cotter
“Incredible journey! Honored to join, and thank you for securing the ancients tradition!!! YES!” – Avaah East
Previous Problems with Alcohol?
When offering these Majikal Mead Ceremonies, the big question I often get
“I don’t drink anymore. I’ve had problems in the past with alcohol; should I attend?”
Well, as the Elven Wizard likes to say, “Just because you fell into a thicket of poison ivy and rolled around in it for a while doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop and smell a flower down the path.”
While Mead is technically a form of alcohol, there are several key differences I’ve observed. One is that Mead itself is the essence of honey, which is the nectar of flowers alchemized by bees. This is a very different base and energetic quality than the spirit of a singular plant such as hops, grapes, barley, etc.
For me and those I’ve shared it with, the experience is very different as well. Instead of creating a more dissociative effect and suppression of feelings, it actually allows the energy of emotions to be alchemized and applied through the expression of the heart. Hence the title “The Mead of Poetry” allows what is stored away to be put to creative expression. Within the ceremonial context, I’ve expanded as I weave a multitude of techniques to connect you to your heart and spirit while partaking of the sacred elixir. This allows you to engage with your inner challenges from a new perspective with more light, joy, awareness, and love so that you can optimize what is within you and rise to a new level of creative potential.
On modern society, many drink alcohol as an escape mechanism from the trials of life. In this experience, we partake of the sacred need to call forth more of your eternal nature into your body. It is an invitation to your Spirit so that you can live life to the fullest and savor the sweetness that is here for you. I imagine that is why it is called the “Drink of the Gods” as it invites that divine aspect of yourself to come be here now. You actually become more engaged, more inspired, more courageous, more empowered.
On a physical level, after drinking your standard alcohol, most people experience various physical symptoms (headaches, stomachaches, hangovers, etc.). I have never felt any discomfort from drinking (quality) mead, nor has anyone reported such things to me. I’ve witnessed people relieving stomach aches, migraines, and other ailments that they were feeling before drinking mead.
Many attendees of my ceremonies who had previous struggles with alcohol in the past reported to me how amazing this experience was to help them rewrite their experience with alcohol, and they received a lot of inner healing through the experience.
So I invite you to explore this drink of the Gods as you will.
Magic Mead Ceremony Photos
Majikal Mead Ceremony Inquiry
Aaron can bring a Majikal Mead Ceremony to you, your group, event, or retreat!
Available for private Mead Ceremonies and Healing along with small and even large groups!
Message Aaron below with your details.
Workshops, Retreats, Ceremonies and Training Course Policies, Disclaimer, and agreement.
Full payment is due upon registering for any workshop, ceremony, retreat, and training from Aaron Michael Pyne.
Payments are completely non-refundable. Your non-refundable payment is your commitment to attend the Workshop, Retreat, Ceremony or Training Course. We use this commitment to make plans regarding the venue, materials, staff, and other issues relating to delivering a workshop of maximal value. Your commitment allows us to meet pre-payment deadlines to venues, pay for materials, equip and prepare staff, and guarantee that your seat is reserved and ready for you to attend the workshop as scheduled.
Our cancellation policy with workshops is that all payments are non-refundable. Should you wish to cancel the Workshop, Retreat, Ceremony, or Training Courses, and it is more than 45 days prior to the beginning of the workshop, exceptional circumstances will be considered to allow for a transfer of your registration to a future class.