Private Mead Sessions
Mead for the session:
You can have your own mead or, as long as I can arrange it, I can bring a bottle. Generally, a bottle of quality Mead is $25-$35 depending on what’s available locally. When we arrange a session, we’ll check in for prefered options.

Availability & Location:
Check in with Aaron for locational offerings. Often he is traveling and offering sessions locally.
Session Includes
Multidimensional Energy Healing/Surgery which may include:
Aaron Michael Pyne is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. Nothing Aaron Michael Pyne or any agents/employees of Aaron Michael Pyne communicate should be construed as medical or psychological advice of any kind. Please see a health professional for all medical assessments and treatments. By viewing this statement and using any products, services, webinars, classes or information contained herein, you agree to our Disclaimer and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Aaron Michael Pyne and any employees/agents of the Company of any liabilities.