5 Hour Video Replay Available! Even if it's not Solstice, this is a powerful introduction to the Norse Mythos, Gods & Goddesses, Elves, Dwarves, and other mystical beings as well as 4 special guided meditation journeys by Elizabeth & Aaron. You'll gain wisdom, access new Spirit Treasures, and discover your own Creative Power Realm! Access link will be sent after purchase!
Length - 7:07 This is a live recorded channeled invocation prayer to support your full ascended, activated, and whole self-integration into your human life. If possible, sit quietly and comfortably, breathe deeply, and allow the words to guide your energy & spirit.It includes an energy activation through"Light Soul Language" incantations. Allow these to flow like nature sounds to your sacred self. It is designed to cleanse and clear your entire system while calling forth your Eternal Soul.
Length - 22:22 Tree of Life – Prosperity Matrix Practice is a guided visualization meditation to help you access energies within you for abundance in your life. Using the ancient Tree of Life map of consciousness, you'll get to experience yourself as a Tree of Life accessing more of the universal energies available to you to support your transformation and expansion process. Note, this meditation does include a bit of "Light Language." This is encoded information to help your unconscious.
Length - 20:52 You will restore the universal life force for your expansion and connection. You’ll learn how to grow this life force and use it to reach out through the forest of consciousness to reconnect quickly with people that are aligned in a co-expansive flow with your highest vision and version. These people might be friends, allies, clients, customers, lovers, mentors, etc. Everyone grows in love, joy, wisdom, and prosperity together! Please share your experience & reach out for additional support.
Length - 15:54 Enjoy this Tree of Life Activation meditation for healing, peace, clarity, wellbeing, and much more. This transmission is both in English and Light Language and is a guided meditative journey with the ancient Tree of Life that restores vitality and life force back into your being. It is designed to reconnect you to the original light and frequency of your Divine Self so that all areas of your li
Need some majik for your Samhain? I put together this transformational group ceremony you can use with your friends or solo. Greetings, and thanks for checking out this ritual/ceremony I made. I hope you enjoy it and have fun with it. Play is the key! I made this with inspiration from past traditions and my own mix. It is all about letting go of what has been limiting us and inviting in a new expansion. It is designed for a group but can be done solo. Everything here is a guideline. Improvise and adjust as you see fit. It is your creation! Includes (8 Pages):
- Altar Suggestions
- Spotify Playlist
- Ritual Process/Steps/Invocations
Length - 3:59 This prayer, meditaiton, and activation is designed to help empower you to connect with the natural forces of life and grace. As you reconnect with all that you are, you become protected and undisturbed by outside forces. You align with the true eternal nature of your sovereignty, and all that comes your way is for your upliftment and expansion. Follow along and recreate the experience within you to the best of your ability.
Length - 26:13 Aaron invokes spiritual forces within you to bring you energies of healing, clarity, power, prosperity, light and so much more. Aaron uses precise spiritual commands to rewrite the energetic programs within your soul’s “computer” to upgrade all of your systems into wholeness across all levels of your being. During this meditation, you can simply receive or engage by repeating the commands in your own voice. Please share your experiences & reach out for further support.
Recorded Live Event & Healing 1 Hour Video Session During this unique group healing experience, Aaron will discuss and share some of his unique healing methods with you. During the group session, you'll be guided through a unique majikal journey, transmission, and discovery of what is true within you. Wizard’s work in mysteries ways that’ll leave you transformed back into yourself. We'll do an initial approx 25 minute session, take a 5-10 minute break, then do an additional 20-30 minute session. Video Link on receipt. More details below...
Length - 6:52 Start your day off with this beautiful Morning Prayer, Invocation, Meditation! It'll help set the tone of energy you are attuned to for the whole day. This is a great way to get connected to your spirit, your essence, and your beingness before moving into the day! This is #2 of my Morning Invocations.
Length - 3:35 This quick prayer invocation is a powerful way to start your day or make a major energetic shift in your state of being. Use it when you need a "dose" of spiritual light to transform, awaken, and activate your light being. This invocation activates your light and calls in your star-light being spirit teams to support you. For deeper support and transformation send me a message. I appreciate your beautiful comments & donations. Thank you and infinite light blessings to you!
Length - 7:00 Start your day off with this beautiful Morning Prayer, Invocation, Meditation! This prayer will create a powerful experience of life and energy for your day. This is a great way to get connected to your spirit, your essence, the world around you, and your beingness before moving into the day! This meditation will help you connect with beauty, success, expansion, joy, the and the Earth. Invoking gratitude, spirit, connection, and so much more! This is #3 of my Morning Invocations.
2.5 Hour Class Replay Video + PDF "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung Step into the shadows and confront the forces that hold you back from reaching your full potential. It's time to harness the power of your inner demons and transform them into allies on your journey to self-mastery. In this groundbreaking experience, we'll dive deep into the labyrinth of your psyche, unlocking the secrets of your innermost fears and anxieties. Rather than shy away from these dark forces, we'll embrace them as archetypal aspects of our multidimensional nature, each carrying its own unique vibrational signature. Through a series of immersive exercises and guided meditations, you'll learn to mythify these beings, reshaping your relationship with them so they no longer control you, but instead empower you. By bringing love, awareness, and presence to these aspects of yourself, you'll unlock their hidden potential and channel their energy for transformation.
- 2.5 Video - LINK on Your Receipt
- Suggested Prerequisite: Aaron's Inner Realms Journey - Details below
Length: 22 Minutes Format: Downloadable MP3 file Suggested Use: Once a week for a month, then monthly, and if going through a challenging experience for support. Play a 30 Second Snippet Sample of this Audio "I wanted a 22 min ethereal experience and this was listed as new! Perfect to go Out There 💫✨🔥🙏" Josephine Sorciere ADELAIDE SA, AUSTRALIA
Out of stockMarch 13th | 3 PM EST | Noon PST | Approx 30-45 minutesJoin me mid week for a little Wizardly activation to cleanse the FUNK in your system and connect you back to your SOUL POWER. I'll be using sacred song spells, flute, and other majik to uplift you and take you on a mini journey. I went be talking too much, just diving into the majik of it. Jump in when you can, close your eyes, and enjoy!
- 1 Hour Video
- Link on your receipt!
Length - 3:33 This exciting majik invocation makes use of ancient magic and epic music to invoke you to your full power and creative expression for an amazing day. Listen to multiple times throughout the day like a "cup of coffee" to energize you. Listen when you feel down, stressed, or lost. This is designed to activate your superpowers.
Length - 17:29 This is a deep and powerful healing experience with Light Language, or the sounds of the Soul. You'll be guided into a relaxated state, then I begin to transmit a variety of Light Language sounds to assist in the restoration of your higherself and the clearing of fears, traumas, and limitations. This is a POWERFUL experience. Allow the sounds to move through you as if you were listening to the sounds of nature. Many feel changes on multiple levels. You can repeat this multiple times for support.
Length - 18:18 This practice contains "Light Language", which are channeled sounds, tones, and codes from other dimensions to clear blocks and distortions in your energy, consciousness, and light. These cannot be understood by the human mind as they are multi-dimensional holographic codes that can only be heard by subtle dimensions of your being. Receive them deep into your cells as you would a beautiful soundscape from nature.
Talk, Q&A, & introductory training session. 3 Hour Video Replay Class Your SOUL doesn't express itself in human languages. It's time to hear yourself... Are you curious about activating your Light Language? It's a powerful, sacred gift I've been blessed to receive and support others in their activation. This ancient practice allows you to channel spirit dimensions for healing, alignment, embodiment, and deeper connections with your soul family. It has powerful healing effects! Maybe you already have & want to know more about what it is, how to use it, and how to expand it? It is a potent sacred gift for transformation, healing, & embodiment. Video links on receipt.
Length - 14:43 Motivation comes from your connection to your being, vision, and the possibility that you can make it happen in life. This meditation helps you to reconnect deeply with what is true for you and your vision for life. From this deep place, motivation can flow through you. Use this when life seems challenging or heavy. Reach out if you need more personal help with clarity and motivation in your
2Hr 45 Min Replay Video A mystical night of Dragon Majik, Embodiment, and Connection Join the Elven Wizard, Aaron Pyne, on a journey into the mystical realms of Dragons. In this enchanting three-hour exploration, we will delve open the gateway of ancient wisdom and profound transformation through the Dragon lineage. Dive deep into the realms of Dragon Tantra with Aaron's unique ability to bring the Dragons to life within you. Are you ready to awaken your inner dragon, tap into your primal energy, and experience profound spiritual growth and intimacy? They reflect the deep ancient wisdom and power waiting to be awakened within you. Dragon energy expands your depth of presence, courage, confidence, focus, and connection while unraveling the patterns that keep you living small, anxious, depressed, and dissatisfied with life. Dragons exude a force of exaltation, divine alignment, and ancient wisdom. Join us on a journey like no other as we explore the sacred teachings of Dragon Tantra. This purchase will grant you access to the recorded replay of the entire experience! More Details below...
Enter a sacred space where the original emanation of your being is welcomed in wholeness, love, and honor. Here, the multidimensional nature of the self crystallizes in awareness, bringing full-body, mind, and spirit integration. Welcome to the Elven Wizard's new ancient system of mastery, Internal Pantheon Systems. 5-Hour Deep Dive 1pm-6pm Sunday 4/13/25 Private Beautiful Ocean View Residence in La Jolla (Potential group outing for dinner after) Event Includes
- Basic art/drawing/writing supplies
- Mead Sampling
- Snacks (Feel free to bring some to share)
- Training & Healing with the Elven Wizard
We've all experienced a spectrum of heartache and pain. We might still be. These experiences and patterns can go deep into the heart, locking up our potential and holding us back from all that we are. In this gathering, Aaron will guide you through a gentle and powerful experience to unravel the heart and expand your capacity for love. Expand thine heart, know thyself again. Feel again thine love be true. Approx 1 hr 20-minute recording/replay of the live event. Discussion, Healing & Journey. On your receipt will be a link and code to access video!
Recorded Live Event & Healing We've all traversed heartbreak, breakups, and many other forms of ending relationships, romantic or otherwise. Often we leave pieces of ourselves lost and forgotten, ashamed, wounded, or broken. Many still affect us across life, keeping us limited and restricted. In this unique new approach, never seen before, Aaron will guide you through a new process using the Tree of Life to actually help you find empowerment, strength, and expansion from all your past relationships. Whether the wounds are old or new, or both, this class will give you a whole new experience with relationships! Event includes lecture, energy healing, and meditation.
- Approx: 2.75 hrs
- Link to access on your receipt!
- Suggested Prerequisite: Aaron's Inner Realms Journey - www.InnerRealmsJourney.com